Louis Borniche, creative artist based in Paris and specialize in Motion graphic design, editing, visual fx, photography…
You will discover my latest portfolio including my Resume down this lovely page. I hope you will enjoy it and found in my work probably your future collaborator for amazing digital content.
Creative with 5 years experience in advertising agencies. I graduated 3 years ago in LISAA PARIS.
I Started working during my studies to develop as many different kinds of skills to propose the maximum service for my work… I’m currently looking for a new job in Dubai to join my family and quit my comfort zone in France because i really want to experience new challenges for my professional career
Renault, Société Générale, MaFrenchBank, Mcdonald’s, SNCF, Timotei, Mobilize, Nissan, Nuii, Domusvi, GRDF, Armani Beauty, Corepile, Mr Bricolage, Batiste, BNP Paribas and many more…
Photography is part of my first passion that i try to combine with music and i have the chance to work with many famous French artist in France like Ninho, Soolking, Naps and many more…
By mail : louis.borniche@gmail.com
Whatsapp : +33688926293